How I Find Confidence in Crazy Outfits

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Happy Sunday lovelies!

How is your weekend going? Apart from the England loss, which was kind of devastating *tear*, I've had a pretty productive week. I've just arrived in San Diego which I'm feeling super excited about since I've never gotten to visit here before! I've been to most other major cities in Cali, but I've heard some of the best things about San Diego itself! Have you ever been? Comment down below what your San Diego experience was if you have and if you have any recommendations (especially food lol, you know I love my food). 

Anyway, today I just wanted to talk to you guys, pretty casually about how I feel confident enough to wear the things I do, like a rainbow striped jumpsuit! A lot of the time I get "only you could pull that off" or "I wish I could rock something like that", and while that's an incredibly kind compliment to me, I don't want you to think you couldn't rock something just as out there or bold as me, because you can! 

Happiness Reads as Confidence

I'm honestly quite a self conscious person and still probably think too much about what other people think of me, but I feel like my clothes make me genuinely happy, even if they do draw a little more attention than I'm totally comfortable with. You should never turn down wearing an exciting outfit just because you're scared of what someone else might think or how they might react! If something excites you or makes your heart happy, you should wear it! If you're excited about an outfit, that also radiates outward and people will perceive that as confidence. 

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"You should never turn down wearing an exciting outfit just because you're scared of what someone else might think or how they might react! If something excites you or makes your heart happy, you should wear it!"

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Different Catches the Eye

The thing is, clothes that are more different, colorful, and bold are the ones that catch people's attention and most of the time it's in a positive way! When I wear something like this jumpsuit, I get five times as many compliments than if I was in jeans and a tee. It catches people's eye and they feel more inclined to have to share their love for it! These compliments are major confidence boosters and definitely worth the one or two odd stares you might receive as well lol. 

So next time you're staring at a beautiful, but out-there, dress in the window and talking yourself out of buying it, think about the confidence it might just give you and the compliments you'd recieve. As always, thank you for taking the time out of your day to spend a few minutes with me, reading my thoughts and ramblings. Remember to check out Miranda's other amazing photography on her website here or her Instagram here.  While you're there, you can catch me on Instagram and Facebook at @thestyletransplant. Check back here again next week for another post! 

Georgie x


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