Making the 80s Modern

How are you on this lovely Sunday?  This week I wanted you talk about one of the eras I've been incorporating into my wardrobe a lot recently....Can you guess what it is? 

Yes, it's the 80s! Below are some of my favorite 80s-type trends that you should definitely be incorporating into your modern wardrobe.

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Spiced Up Outfit of the Day

How has your weekend been?  I hope it's been great and comment below what you've been up to.  Last week I talked about some of the most inspiring women in my life, so if you haven't read that yet, check it out here!  This week I wanted to talk about  one of my favorite outfits right now and why I think it works.

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Inspiring Women Who I Look Up To

I'm sorry to start off on such a serious note, but today, I want to dedicate this post to my incredible, strong, and generous Granny.  She passed away a week ago today, and I wanted to honor her within this post to say thank you for inspiring me so much.  Speaking of inspiring women, I wanted to talk about some of the amazing women influence me on a day-to-day basis, and why I look up to them.  (They also all have amazing style, of course!)

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Healthier Way to Make-up

How is your weekend going?  I hope it's been a good one!  Today I wanted to more on the beauty side of things.  Since I'm still struggling with problem skin, I'm constantly on the lookout for different sensitive skin solutions.

I was, recently, inspired by a post written by fellow blogger, Elizabeth Stewart, to learn more about healthier makeup and a specific brand called Beauty Counter.  (If you want to read her list of harmful makeup ingredients & parabens, check it out here.) 

Below I've included some of my tips for being more aware of what you're putting on your face.  

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Transition into Fall: Stripes & Rose Gold

How are you all doing on this lovely Friday?  I just wanted to say thanks for all the love on my Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube recently!  I wish I could thank each everyone of you every time...but that might take a while.  Nevertheless, I just wanted to say thanks for being so sweet and supportive!

As you may have noticed, this was posted on a Friday rather than my usual Sunday! Shock! Horror!  I am just trying out some new posting days to see which you like better.  (There will also hopefully be a beauty post up the usual time on Sunday.)  

Now that all that housekeeping is out of the way, onto this week's post.  As the mornings are getting crisper and the sun is setting just a bit sooner, I've decided to talk you through this transitional outfit and how you can start transitioning into your fall wardrobe as well.  

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How to Stress Less

How are you all doing?  Leave a comment down below, because I'd love to chat with you and see how things are going with you! 

One thing that has really been a big factor in my life lately is stress!  While is can sometimes push us to reach our goals, stress can be very consuming, especially to me.  I consider myself to be a bit of an anxious worry-wart, but I have been trying out some new mechanisms, to help me enjoy life in the moment and stress just a little less. 

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Making the Most of the Last Summer Days

How are you doing on this fine Sunday?  I hope you've had a great week!  I am trying to savor my last weekend before the semester begins tomorrow...I have to admit, I'm not entirely looking forward to it.  I know it will be a lot better once I'm into the swing of things though, and this is the last semester of my undergraduate degree, so I need to make the most of it!

Anyway, on to the topic of this week's blog post.  Let's talk about making the most of the last few moments of summer.  Where I am, we'll most likely have at least another month of warm weather.  While I am 100% ready for fall, I'm still thinking of all the summer outfits I need to squeeze in before it cools down.  Below is my list of summer pieces you need to wear before it's too chilly!

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Step Out of Your Closet Comfort Zone

How are you all feeling on this sunny Sunday morning?  I hope you're feeling confident and a little experimental, because I've been challenged by Dia & Co. to 'face my fashion fears', and I think you should too!  They've challenged me to wear an outfit/clothing item I might not normally have the confidence to wear, so I've decided to show a little more skin, wear some gorgeous colored sunnies, and some oh-so-badass boots.  

This outfit featured a couple out-of-my-comfort-zone elements.  I thought I might feel a little self-conscious wearing this, but instead I felt quite the opposite!  Wearing this gorgeous outfit has surprisingly made me feel more empowered.  The boots made me feel badass, the v-neck dress made me feel pretty and feminine, and the sunnies were of so cool.

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Ireland & England Haul 2017

I've finally gotten around to filming my Ireland & England haulł Hooray! I had such an amazing trip visiting family and seeing all of the amazing sites that Ireland and England had to offer, so the amazing shopping was just the icing on top of the cake!  I think I found some perfect pieces with the help of my mom, Mrs. Cindy, my Auntie Mandy, and my lovely cousin, Neave! Thanks for the help guys! <3  I'm very excited to share it with you, so I hope you enjoy it! 

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