Inspiring Women Who I Look Up To
Good Morning lovelies,
I'm sorry to start off on such a serious note, but today, I want to dedicate this post to my incredible, strong, and generous Granny. She passed away a week ago today, and I wanted to honor her within this post to say thank you for inspiring me so much. Speaking of inspiring people, I wanted to talk about some of the amazing women who influence me on a day-to-day basis, and why I look up to them. (They also all have amazing style, of course!)
My Granny
My Granny's incredible inner strength has always been very inspiring to me. She is the matriarch of my dad's large family, and she is what keeps us all united. (I can see her great qualities in my dad, so I hope they rub off on me too.) She had the strength to raise ten children and helped with nearly thirty grandchildren, for heaven's sake! If that's not strength, I don't know what is. (I don't know many people who would be capable of that and still remain sane!) I hope to be as strong and resilient and brave as her one day.
Megan Ellaby
Over the past year, Megan Ellaby, a style blogger from Manchester, has become a large influence on both my style and my life. Her way of championing uniqueness and being true to yourself has really inspired and convinced me to push myself and my style. With her advice, I've started dressing more for myself and thinking less about what other people might think. She makes me want to be more adventurous with my style, which is really helping me find what I think best reflects me.
Zoë Sugg (AKA Zoella)
I've been watching Zoë on YouTube now for over 6 years. I feel as though she's one of my best friends and I've grown up with her (even though I've never met her lol). What I love about Zoë is her humbleness and relatability. She is so good at showing who she really is and not coming off as this perfect Instagrammable person, even though she is beautiful inside and out! In her videos she shows her struggles with anxiety, her raw emotion, and blemished skin. Her realness makes me feel more confident in myself and accepting of my own flaws.
Outfit Details: Top: CiCi London, Jeans: Topshop, Shoes: Zara, Tank Top: Zara, Sunglasses: Ray-ban, Bag: Style Encore Conway ________________SHOP BELOW
My Best Friend
Joud, as you may already know, is my bestest pal. Ever since I met her sophomore year of high school, I've felt that we are so in-sync! (We're basically the same person in most regards!) Something that really inspires me about her is how intelligent and engaged she is, and how she stands up for what she believes in. She always seems to know what is going on in the world and is never afraid to voice her thoughts. I wish to be as strong and brave when voicing my own thoughts someday. (Her impeccable style has also always inspired me!)
Gigi Hadid
What I really appreciate about Gigi is her down-to-Earth nature. Although she is one of the most in-demand models in the world, she still comes across as humble and relatable.
My Mother & Grandma
Another couple of women in my life who deserve to be mentioned, of course, are my Mum and my Grandma. Their kind and nurturing characters have been so important to me growing up. They both radiate warmth and I just feel so at home around them. They are also both very creative, whether it's baking, painting, or knitting. Their creativity has definitely rub off on me! My mom has become my best friend over the years, and someone I feel as though I can always count on. She is also one of the kindest human beings you will ever meet (Ask anyone who knows her and they'll agree).
Thank you so much for reading about some of my favorite people, and a special thanks to those people mentioned above. I've loved reminding myself of why I love them so much. Comment down below some of the most inspiring women in your life. I'd love to read about them. Pop over to my Instagram and Facebook if you'd like to see more photos! I'd love to be friends on there too. See you again next week for my next post!