How to be a More Conscious Fashion Consumer
Outfit: Jeans: Zara, Top: Sundae Muse, Bag: Louis Vuitton (preloved), Bandana: Amazon
Happy Sunday everyone,
How have your weekends been? I’ve had a weekend of eating amazing food, which almost felt like normal (aka pre-covid). Friday night, I went to one of my favorite pizza and cocktail spots in London, Homeslice, which was very organized and socially distanced. Saturday morning, I had a delish eggs Benedict brunch and then walked around Shoreditch all day in the sunshine. It was such nice weather and I ended the day with some takeaway sushi, which was much needed since I haven’t had sushi in ages. This morning, I’ve been on my usual run to Victoria Park and seen loads of dogs along the way. I stopped by the Colombia Rd. Flower Market on the way back for a cheeky bunch of blue hydrangeas. Anyway, that’s my weekend recap, so let’s get on to this week’s post. It’s an important one.
As I’ve just finished my online course in sustainable fashion, I wanted to talk about some little things all of us can do to become more conscious with our fashion consumption. I am obviously a huge lover and investor in fashion, but recently I’ve been trying to become more and more conscious of steps I can take to make my fashion carbon footprint a little bit smaller. Below are some very easy and simple ways you can try to be more environmentally friendly with your fashion consumption too.
Buy Less & Rewear
Buying less and taking care of the pieces you already have can help you become a more mindful consumer. Also keeping your clothes organized is important and will make you less likely to unnecessarily purchase items similar to ones you already have.
Invest in Longterm Pieces
Rather than buying cheap items that won’t last, practice spending a tiny bit more money on items that will withstand washing, everyday wear, and changing trends.
Shop Sustainable, Vintage, or Thrift
When shopping, looking for brands that are sustainable, vintage, reworked, or thrift can be a great way to get new pieces, but still be more environmentally friendly. This includes selling or donating your own old clothes so that they’re not going to a landfill.
Only Wash When Necessary
Over washing can be a huge contributor to environmental damage. Research by the Energy Saving Trust has shown that laundering accounts for 60–80% of a garment's total environmental impact (read more here). Wear an item as much as possible before washing and when you do wash, do it on a lower temperature. Another thing you can do is air-dry your clothes and avoid the dryer, which uses even more energy.
Instead of getting rid of a piece and buying something else, try to DIY a piece you already own into fitting with the new trend. For example, I’ve cropped plenty of jeans and tops to fit into more current trends rather than just getting rid of them. You can also try tie dying or bleaching to alter the colour of a piece or learn to sew to make even more changes.
Thanks so much for reading this week’s blog post. It could be so much longer, but I thought these points were totally doable and easy to try and incorporate into your own wardrobe. I hope you’ll try out some of these ways to be a bit more environmentally friendly. Shop some of my favorite sustainable pieces below! Follow me on Instagram in the mean time, and check back for a new post next week!