My Review of Emily in Paris
Can we talk about how this coat is over £6000….that’s probably two months wages at least for her job.
Happy Sunday friends,
Hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday. This weekend, I’ve been walking around Shoreditch and eating delish ramen. We also found this crumble stand in Spitalfield’s market that does mini customizable crumbles to-go! (We went for rhubarb and strawberry crumble, which was delish. Check out Humble Crumble asap!) This week, I also went to take some cool shots with my lovely photographer friend, Lucy. Can’t wait to share the shots with you! It felt nice to get outside and get creative again. What have you guys been up to? Comment down below.
For this week’s blog post, I wanted to talk about one of the trending tv shows on Netflix at the minute, Emily in Paris. If you haven’t already watched it, I’m sure you’ve added it to your list or at least heard about it. This has turned out to be a very polarizing show, so I wanted to share my own thoughts, both good and not so good.
Unattainable Outfits
Of course, there are pros and cons of the main character’s insanely exuberant and amazing wardrobe. There weren’t many outfits Emily wore throughout the show that I wouldn’t happily throw on, but for a twenty-something with no extravagant family background, it seems very unattainable. For example, the green Chanel coat Emily is wearing in the photo to the right is a cool and casual £6195. Emily struts around in Balenciaga, Off White, and Chanel on a daily basis without any real explanation of where she’s getting the funding for these pieces. Much like the wardrobe of column writer, Carrie Bradshaw, in Sex and the City, Emily’s wardrobe is fabulous in every way…just a tad out of reach.
Girl Power
One thing that really made me question Emily’s character by the end of the show was the way she went behind her supposed friend back and pursued Camille’s boyfriend, Gabriel. In this day and age, we should be trying to teach young girls, aka the primary audience of this show, to support one another and help each other rise. Emily’s sneaky, disloyal behavior was unattractive and disappointing coming from a character you really wanted to like. Camille was nothing but supportive, helpful, and kind to Emily throughout the show, but Emily seems to give no regard for her fellow woman’s feelings when pursuing Gabriel.
Stereotypes in the City
One thing I thought was a bit juvenile about the show was that it stumbled through just about every stereotype regarding French and American people. They made Emily outwardly over the top and boarder-line obnoxious and every French person was portrayed as unwelcoming and snobbish, which having been to Paris twice and living in the USA for over 15 years of my life, I know is not the case. I was a bit disappointed in Darren Star, the producer, for falling hostage to these unrealistic and outdated stereotypes.
Perfect Playlist
If you’re looking for a snappy, upbeat playlist by French artists or inspired by the show, head to Spotify now. I’ve been listening to it none-stop and channeling my inner Emily by strutting around London.
Paris Sienery
The Paris scenery in this show gave me all the nostalgic feelings about my own trips to the city of love. One of my absolute favorite things about Emily in Paris, was being reminded of how beautiful and picturesque the Parisienne streets are. Each episode gives you another view of the scenic city streets, cosy cafés, and ageless architecture.
Thank you so much for reading this week’s post. Leave your thoughts on Emily in Paris below so we can keep the discussions going. If you haven’t watched it yet, what are you messing about at? Get on it, girl! I’ve found some Emily-inspired pieces below so you can recreate her looks at a much more affordable price point. Go check out my Instagram if you have a minute, because I’ve really been having fun creating videos recently! Anyway, check back next Sunday for a new post and have an amazing week friends!