Dear Georgie: A Note to My Younger Self
Happy Thursday friends,
As inspired by a blog post written by my all-time-favorite blogger, Megan Ellaby, I wanted to reflect and send a note to my younger self. Hopefully, this might help some of the younger people reading my blog dealing with messy issues associated with growing up, like finding yourself, learning to love yourself, and blocking those haterz haha. Your teens and even early twenties are a time of change, turmoil, and a little chaos, so here's my letter to my younger self.
Dear Georgie,
You are Beautiful
I know everyday you look in the mirror and find a new flaw in yourself or how you look, probably something no one else has even noticed, but try not to pull yourself apart. You'll struggle for a while to find any confidence and the feeling will never fully go away, especially when others make you doubt yourself too. Don't listen to them. In the famous words of Taylor Swift (who you're currently obsessed with lol) "people throw rocks at things that shine." Don't let anyone stop you from shining. If anyone makes you doubt yourself, they're not worth having around and just know that everyone is struggling with their self-image at this age! It's normal when everyone's running around with braces and covered in spots!
Put Yourself First
You'll be a little too compassionate, and it's not a bad thing at first. You'll make many decisions to please others, but remember to put your own dreams, needs, and goals first sometimes. Others won't wait for you, so don't let them hold you back from becoming the person you need to be. It's the perfect time in your life to be selfish. Make a decision to please yourself every once in a while. You'll thank me later.
You Will Find Who You Are
I know right now you're confused about who you are and who you want to become, especially when everyone's constantly asking what you want to be when you're older. It doesn't help that you might not be as fast or as cool as the other girls on the school soccer team, but you've got something even better up your sleeve. You're an artist, a creator. You just don't know it yet. Try not to worry too much, and just be a kid. One day, almost by accident, you'll discover how much you love art, fashion, and creating in general. That will become your strength, your weapon. It will guide you to become a much more confident person. You might even like who you're becoming.
You Don't Need the Best to Be the Best
You may not have those Ugg Boots or that pink Razor phone, but you'll still win 'Best Dressed' in high school. Those 'must-have items' don't define your style or your self-worth, even though it might seem like it in the throws of the 8th grade. You just have to be you and wear the things you actually like, not the things everyone else likes. Believe me, now everyone wants to stand out rather than blend in with the masses and you're pretty good at it! Your ideas and creativity are worth so much more than the material things that everyone 'cool' seems to have.
Hoodie: Urban Outfitters, Jeans: Topshop, Boots: Zara, Jacket: Zara, Bag: Gucci
Mom and Dad Know Best
Last but not least, listen to the rents. As much as you wish they'd just understand that you need the skinniest eyebrows and to get highlights, your parents do know best and always have your best interests at heart. One day you'll even love hanging out with them...I know! Crazy! They'll be the ones you can always turn to when the rest of the world has let you down. (Plus, you'll be glad your hair is healthy and not frazzled by your twenties.) Parents get it right most of the time, so try to understand where they're coming from.
Thank you so much for reading my letter to my younger self. Comment down below what you'd tell your thirteen-year-old self, now. I hope you enjoyed this little ramble and see you again next week for a new post. Also, give some love to Miranda from Wildroot Photo for taking amazing photos once again!! I'd be lost without her amazing skills and lovely creative chats. Anyway, have a great and productive week!
Georgie x
Shop My look:
My confident pose haha