Back to My Roots
Hello friends,
Are you all having a good weekend? I hope you’ve been starting to do some festive, fun activities. Comment them below if you have! For this week’s post, since I’ve been spending so much time in my hometown, I should dedicate a blog post to it and how much I’ve enjoyed being back here!
So welcome to Derbyshire, England! These photos were taken specifically in Shirland, where my dad grew up and still home to a few McCarthys.
Just Breathe
After living and working in busy London for nearly three months, I thought I might be bored coming here. But if you know anything about me, you know I love my alone time and being a homebody just as much, if not more, than going out and being busy all the time. It’s been nice to relax after being kind of not-stop in London. Plus I’ve gotten to spend time with some of my fav family members who I’ve missed being in the U.S. for so many years.
All the Nostalgia
Although I left here when I was only four, we have visited at least once every year since then, usually in the summer or at Christmas, and I do find this place so nostalgic because of that. Every time we come here we doing fun things with family members, so it always makes me think of some of my favorite people and the fun things we’ve done together over the years. We have a lot of good, festive, and summery memories here.
Living in England
While I’ve been here, I’ve also gotten to really experience what it’s like living in England. Obviously, I was born here and didn’t leave until I was four, but I don’t really remember much about living here before. Plus London, naturally, is quite different from smaller towns and villages like this one. Although lots of things are very similar to towns and cities in the U.S., it also has it’s differences, and it’s nice to get to try it here too.
This week’s photographer shout-out goes to my fav little cousin, the famous, Neave!! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen her all over my stories, and this week she was gracious enough to take my outfit photos too! She’s the funniest, most gorgeous person I know and she’s one of my best friends! Anyway, I always bang on about it, but it really does mean a lot to me when you guys read these blog posts! It makes me so happy and even happier when I see a cheeky comment down below so leave one if you want to make my day! Also remember, you can shop my outfit down below! Anyway, I’m going to visit my brother, Ferg, this week in Newcastle, so I’ll update you on that trip in next week’s post! Maybe I can get him to take a few outfit shots for me, eh? haha. Have a great week and be good kids and call your parents!
Georgie x
Outfit Details: Trousers: Primark, Sweater: Topshop, Jacket: Zara, Shoes: Nike, Bag: Gucci, Necklace: Urban Outfitters