Mixing Your Metals


Hi friends,

Hope you’re having a lovely beginning of a new week. Comment down below what you got up. (I always need ideas for next weekend.) This weekend I spent Friday night relaxing and Saturday was spent with my friend, Jade, taking photos and finishing the night with a delicious carbonara and garlic bread. On Sunday, we went over to my roommate, Grace’s, dad’s for a roast which was amazing. I made a chocolate tart and made pastry for the first time. It didn’t turn out too bad! This week at HPR is our press day, so it’s a busy week of prepping and merchandising the new collections. It’s always exciting seeing the new designs each season though. Anyway, on to this week’s post, I wanted to talk about breaking an old fashion rule we all know.

Let’s talk about some breaking some of our favorite fashion rules. I’ve broken other rules in previous blog posts like wearing navy and black together, but this one is all about mixing metals. Since we first started wearing jewelry, we have been told to stick to one of the metals when accessorizing. We’ve always had to choose gold, silver, or rose gold and they were never to touch. Now, the tables have turned and mixing metals is actually on trend. The trend was seen all over fashion weeks this past season and influencers all over Instagram have been hoping on board as well. This outfit is my interpretation and how I like to mix my metals.


For this outfit in particular, I’m wearing gold jewelry and gold accents on my bag, which is contrasted with silver hardware on my top and my belt. There’s also silver accents on my converse, but they all seem to go together. The clothes I’m wearing help bring the metals together. I’m wearing yellow, a warm tone, to tie in the gold and blue jeans, a cool tone, to tie in the silver. These colors help the metals go with the look and look ok next to one another.

Thanks so much for reading this week’s blog post. Have you tried mixing metals yourself? Comment down below which metal you tend to wear the most. I tend to stick to gold myself. You know I always appreciate your support in reading my little ramblings. A special thank you goes to my lovely friend, Jade for taking these pictures for me. She’s also taken some for next week, so stay tuned! In the mean time catch me on Instagram and Facebook. Gave a great week!

Georgie x