Little Life Update from Shoreditch
Location: Shoreditch, a couple blocks from HPR, the pr company I work at. It’s very close to Brick Lane, which has the best vintage shops.
Happy Sunday Friends!
Have you all had a good week? Comment down below one good thing and one not-so-good thing that happened this week. My good thing, is that I’ve really been enjoying this week is spending time with my friends! Thursday night I went out for cheese fondue with them and then went to go and see Mary Queen of Scots, which was amazing by the way! The not-so-good thing is that we’re still on the hunt for the right apartment in London, which seems like an impossible task. It’s exhausting, but I still have faith we’re going to to find the one for us! I think it’s good to reflect on the bad, but mostly the good things that happen to you the week before, so that you can go forward and make your next week even better.
Anyway, for this week’s post, I’m giving you a much-needed life update! Since I haven’t really updated you since before Christmas break, I thought it was about time. So without further adieu, here are all the things I’ve been up to, how I’ve been settling in here in London, and what my plans are this year.
Settling into London Life Again
After my few months getaway in Derbyshire, staying with my grandma, and then spending the holidays with my family, it was a bit tough settling back into the London hustle. I went from my grandma’s cozy house with home cooked meals every night to a new flat in Canary Wharf where I hardly knew my roommates. I also went from working online at Tailor everyday from home back to working full-time in busy London! It was definitely a shock to my system, but now that I’m a little more settled, I am so happy to be back and excited to see where this takes me.
On the Apartment Hunt
My friend Megan and I are on the hunt for the perfect place here in London. It’s no easy feat when you’re on a budget and you’re trying to find something in an area of London that you actually like. They say one of the top hardest things to do in life is to find a house/apartment, which I’m totally understanding right now! It’s definitely a learning process too, which we have discovered along the way. If you have any tips for apartment hunting or if you have any area recommendations in London, please comment them down below! That would be amazingly helpful.
Getting into a Work Routine
As promised, I need to update you on where I’m working now that I’m back here in London again. At the moment, I’m working half the week at a fashion design company and the other half of the week at the fashion pr company that I interned at! It’s so lovely to be back at HPR, the fashion pr company in Shoreditch, a few days a week spending time with those lovely people. I’m excited to learn even more about pr and have some more amazing times with the HPR team! The other half of the week, I’m working at a fashion design company, called the Nines in Oxford Circus. It’s been pretty exciting learning more about the fashion design process and seeing a piece come together from sketch to on the hanger! I’m so grateful to be getting to experience both of these jobs in such an amazing city, even if it is totally daunting sometimes.
Put on my coolest outfit and struck my coolest post for the coolest location in London, Shoreditch.
Hardest position to keep up ever, but Lucy and I got a good ole laugh out of it!
MAking Travel Plans
Since it’s so easy to travel from London, I’ve also been daydreaming about some of the places I want to visit this year, even though I’ll have to save a bit before then. I’ll definitely be coming back to the US in May, but other than that I don’t have anything set in stone. After talking to Joud earlier this week, I might be popping to Germany for a little weekend trip in June to meet up with her! I’ve also been talking with some of my friends here in London about taking mini trips to places like Paris (number one on my list of course)! Mostly though, I can’t wait until I get to go visit fam again in Derbyshire and Fergus in Newcastle, which will hopefully be fairly soon.
Thank you so much for reading this week’s blog post. I love that you’ve taken some time out of your busy lives to read about mine! A special thank you goes out to Lucy for taking these amazing photos for me in Shoreditch. She’s such a delight so check out her page here. While you’re on Instagram, check out my page so you have more daily updates from the world of Georgie haha. Also, remember to check back on the blog next week for a new post, or sign up below for email notifications! You can shop my outfit below if you’re interested in recreating it yourself. Have an amazing week friends!
Outfit Details: Shirt: Shoreditch, Skirt: H&M, Boots: Dr Martin, Coat: Zara, Bag: Stradivarius, Scarf: American Eagle